There was rapturous applause. There were standing ovations. We sold all our books. Well not exactly. But it was a very convivial evening with wine and reminiscing over travel stories from a time BC, i.e. before COVID-19.
Allow me to elaborate.
Last night Les and I delivered the first of what we hope will be many presentations about the cycling trip I undertook, and Les observed from afar to Thailand and Myanmar in January and February this year.
We’d chosen to present the Soft Nut Story to our neighbours in Aurora Tower in Brisbane. It’s always easier when you know the audience and can be guaranteed a smile from my Mum sitting in the front row.
I shared a few photos and a video about the trip.
Our rollout continues with a book signing at New Farm Editions Saturday 14 November from 10:00 – 2:00pm. They are located at Merthyr Village Shopping Centre, 84 Merthyr road. If you’re in the area, pop by to say hi.
And I’ve posted a few snippets from the book on the website Crazy guy on a bike.
Fingers crossed we’ll all be travelling again soon now a vaccine has been developed.