Many writers have highlighted the business value of deeply engaged teams. Indeed a great team is powerful, much more than the sum of its individual people.While many things influence engagement at work, and indeed there is complexity – it isn’t rocket science.
Engagement Whisperer demystifies the science and describes a ‘softly, softly’ approach to lifting engagement in your team.
There is already so much noise in an organisation that a quieter approach might just be the right ‘cup of tea’ (or coffee).
Learning for managers is distilled in thirty delicious and easily digestible bites. It’s designed as a dipper or a flipper. Simply, you can read a chapter or two at a time on the bus or while enjoying a cappuccino (my preferred option).
The book is targeted at managers in large organisations and draws heavily on PhD research into what’s happening when people are highly engaged at work. The results are recommendations for manager’s behaviours and team processes.
There’s also a chapter discussing what it’s like to live in a large organisation and how this influences your status and identity. The book is sprinkled heavily with the voices of employees.
The book will also be helpful for those with responsibility for organisational wide employee engagement initiatives. Perhaps you are in human resources or corporate communications. There is a chapter written with input from folk who have run these programs.
The book is a fun and enlightening investment of a manager’s time. You will come away with ideas on things you can do to support your team members engagement at work.
What others have said about Engagement Whisperer
Really enjoyed the book. Loved the practicality and quiet ways of doing things. There are little tidbits of things we can all incorporate into our management styles that can have big payoffs. Its maximum bang for your buck too – more than value for money.
Kym, Amazon Five-star review
This book does a fabulous job of educating about engagement in the workplace and how to help employees become more engaged.
Dineace Minnick, Amazon Five-star review
Dr Stanley’s book is a valuable resource for managers in large organisations as it reveals the characteristics that most engage people and provides practical advice on how we can create conditions to bring out the best in our employees.
Dr Monique Beedles, Managing Director Teak Yew
Tracy cleverly brings together the dos and don’ts for creating engaging workplaces. A must for managers who want to get the best out of their teams and themselves!
Huibert Evekink, CEO Futureteaming
This thoughtful and practical book dispels the myths that ‘engagement’ happens because of glitzy, once a year initiatives. It’s a relief for those who can’t offer curated workplaces complete with ping pong tables, free lattes and bean bags adorning the ubiquitous ‘chill-out zones’ where the magic happens!
Tracy’s work shows that real and sustained engagement comes from a more thoughtful and human centred place; a place where respect, trust, fairness and personal growth sit at the core. Engagement is now demystified and accessible to all. It should come with a product warning: putting these practices into action may put you under the spotlight. Expect to be asked for your recipe for team success or leave your peers secretly wondering if there is something in the water!
Wendy Lundgaard, Principal Consultant/CEO of Win-Win Workplace Strategies
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